dog with tilted head looking at a man
Andrew and Sally the Border Collie

I Got a puppy now what?

Your new best friend matters to you, she matters a lot, your faithful pooch is going to be with you for a long time, playing fetch in the backyard, going for long walks on the beach or just hanging out on the couch watching TV. You want to keep her safe and to play nicely with everyone you meet. You want a well-behaved dog who comes when she's called and not to rip up your favourite pair of shoes or dig holes all over your garden.

My name is Andrew, and my puppy's name is Sally. We are best pals. We are a team, while I understand a lot about dog training. The first thing is that your puppy adores you. Look at the way she watches your every move. So what we want is for you to work together to become a very close team. My methods will show you how that's done without fail. My training methods are that good, even if I say so myself.

How I can Help!

With me, dog training is a religion. I give my training the same attention to detail as you would expect from a surgeon operating on a heart. Showing you how to interpret what your puppy is telling you when you're training together, you will think I can somehow communicate with dogs. Instead of commands that are rough and come over as harsh, we will use powerful persuasion techniques your puppy cannot resist, working as a team as if we are one consciousness.

At the end of the day, you deserve the very best possible relationship with your pup. One that other people can only dream of having, when they see both of you together, your puppy responding to your commands, with a whiplash turn of her head and a lightning-fast recall. friendly and local Dog Training Adelaide. Grab hold of me here and introduce me to your faithful friend.